Monday, October 16, 2006

zzz- whuzzat?

woke up today (notice how i did NOT say 'this morning'...) and said 'thanks God' when it hit me:
i should be thanking Him for the ability to thank Him.
not only that, but it dawned upon me that as a person grows through the many stages of life, an enormous factor is their gradual ability to 'wean' themselves from their parents' ever-present hand.
though not so between man and his celestial father.
in fact, the more 'mature' (ouch that hurt my brain and palatte) we get, the more dependant we're supposed to be (any objections people?) on our maker.
and even though there are things that we may do that there's-nothing-wrong-with-doing or we aren't taking full advantage of the ability to earn reward (i.e. follow everything that's written in the good book) or even just getting a little 'away time', we/i-'ve always got to remember- 'yes, but is it the right thing?'
is it easier now for me to put on tefillin and learn all day? no. ....maybe-a-drop; but it's definitely gonna get me to think more...(as if i don't do enough of that already)


socialworker/frustrated mom said...

YOu sound like a diff. person. Nice to hear you so positive. Hope you are doing as good as you sound.

Anonymous said...

"I didn't ask to be here", comes to mind first (actually, t'was: "ye gods! my brain hurts!"). Though as humans we can't help but enjoy some of the pleasures of this world, so the above claim flies out the window.

What then is the ability to thank Gd?
Is it us 'dedicating' our every act to honor His name? (hey ya'll, this' a shoutout to mah main man-- Gawd! ye, He be up there a-watchin' us do as humans do, but this here action's straight for Him. cheers)
or is it simply being appreciative of all we're given on a constant basis? (which can scramble your grey-matter after a while unless you take it to the next level of further awareness, but I digress).

Sometimes not 'thinking' for a day gets you back on the rails thereafter. Is it easy? heyll no. But drastic measures sometimes reap considerably more benefits than we imagine.

Then again, some of us pop into this world with an incredible amount of 'right-from-wrong' sense. An inborn ability to immediately discern black from white from grey. Once that's over [a few seconds], only then can we whittle it down to it's bones and pluck the meat from the garbage; oust the real essence of just what is this 'right thing.'

Anonymous said...

(sj-- yo, sorry if my comment went through a load of times on your end, but it wasn't responding by me..possibly the beta works diff?)

Anonymous said...
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anonym00kie said...

where did my comment go?

Anonymous said...


the only way i know said...

youre young yet smart
like your observations
coming from someone almost twice your age..
i can tell you
it's true..
you need to become more you fact - it's the greatest sign of maturity and understanding..when you do your part..but understand that G-d is at the controls..and you depend on him for everything...

Scraps said...

We say that in Modim d'Rabbanan, "...Al kein t'chayeinu u' she'anachnu modim lach." May You give us life, so that we may thank You.

Yehi ratzon she'teileich m'chayil el chayil.

s.J. said...

thanks y'all. don't have the time/energy/brainpower to respond to everyone personally, but i'd like to let know that your comments have read and greatly appreciated. update to follow.

Anonymous said...

Busy little bee, aren't we?