Wednesday, November 08, 2006


just wanted to share this teeny bit of news with my extended web family:

... AND SHE SAID YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

with thanks to God and love to you all, i sign off


anonym00kie said...

for once im happy to be first..
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW MAZALTOVVVVVVVVV im so so so so so so so so so happy for you guys!
with your strengths combined you both have the ability to create a beautful marriage and family filled with strength, depth, soul and tons of love. i wish you both tons of success, clarity, health and joy!!

blankstate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rivky said...

I knew I had to come her to find out if it were true. since I decided to delete my OS mazal tov post I'll have to say it here. I AM CRAZY EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS. I always thought you 2 would make a great couple. so you guys should have a great marriage and all that stuff.

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Mazel tov I am sooooo happy!

Scraps said...


[calms down...sort of]

MAZAL TOV, BOTH OF YOU!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crud, you'd think y'all could give a girl a little notice!

I should have seen it coming from a million miles away, but I didn't. Maybe because you're both a million miles away? Oh, right.

May your lives together be filled with happiness, hatzlacha, health, and all good things! MAZAL TOV!!!!!!

;iulu said...

:blushes like mad:

('course i said yes silly; 'tbe crazy not to, though it might've had to do with my state of mind..aka SLEEPING!)

mazal tov to all.
Gd-willing one day we'll have a house large enough to fit all'a'ya at once. Till then, where there's room in the heart, there's room in the home. So come crash whenever (er..ok with you mister j?).

love from all the suds 'n spuds,

--The luckiest WOman in the world (yes really)

ps- can i say 'hodu l'ashem..' here on the stitches blog??

s.J. said...

thanks y'all.

thank you so much.
it's the people like you that have kept us (can i say that missus j?) going through the hard times. tov -ki leolam chasdoh
(mrs.j -not even married yet and already finishing your sentences. heeheehee)

;iulu said...

I know this ain't my blog [yet?], but I'd like to mirror what sj said. Thank you all (whether you're an online friend or off).

Being able to vent & show 'true face' to an anonymous [mostly] crowd leaves one with an overwhelming sense of relief and hope as there are those that have gone through most of this before; meaning we get genuine solutions to our mid-life-crisees (plural of crisis?). Though even if these remedies odn't work we know/knew there'd be somene to dump our aching loads on..and get understanding/compassion/presence in return; we weren't some poor soul wasting away in the jungles of Panama (or NY), with no one the wiser as to whether we lived, died or cried.

Thank you for validating the fact that we/me/us were alive (screaming-- yes, but acknowledgement nonetheless), that we were humans too, that we were still good at the end of the day (as Anne Frank reminds us: "It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart." ) regardless of what the environment around us was saying.

May all the wishes poured on us, all the blessings heaped and the happiness conveyed..touch and change each one of us and go on from there; multiplying as it moves in ever-widening circles and never letting us forget that with all the times
there are to cry there are just as many [more!] times to smile.

To everything there is a season; a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to break down and a time to build up, a time to..give heartfelt thanks to Gd, our friends, events that changed us into the human beans' we are today and the world around us [um..mostly].

(and just so you know-- your happiness makes ours even greater!)

;iulu said...


the sabra said...


mazel tov to you both

all the sentiments (n screamin) from above.

though i have not been readin both your blogs for quite some time now, im still so overjoyed for both of you. im happy i logged on today.

may we only share good news.


Scraps said...

[claps for flor's speech]

smb said...


I'm so happy for you both

May you both live happily together

Bonnie B said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you two