Friday, April 07, 2006


do i have any gifts coming to me?


Rivky said...

I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

my sliced-to-ribbons heart.


Rivky said...

fine, be that way. you know I've been lurking for the past who knows how long. I'm just not doing the comment thing anymore, except I don't get the post.

s.J. said...

i don't have the money.
care to buy it for me?

s.J. said...

trixies- if you don't want to comment, that's fine.
i completely respect your decision.

nessun domande fatte

Scraps said...

Ah, that my finances were in better condition...

When's your birthday? Perhaps I can conspire with flor.

s.J. said...

it was.


Rivky said...

just ditched h again, I'll get back to not commenting here later. please don't kill yourself. thank you. and please translat the latin, I can't find it on dictionary or wikipedia. maybe if you have an enimy you can ank him to get you this.

Scraps said...

I'll echo trixie...please don't kill yourself. We'd miss you terribly.

s.J. said...

whatever. i miss me terribly right now.

nessun domande fatte= no questions here (italian)

s.J. said...

*no questions asked

Scraps said...

You're not going to find yourself any better when you're dead. Better to go on living, and trying to do all you can...

"Where there is life, there is hope."

s.J. said...

you nevr know.
'deadmen tell no tales.'

Scraps said...

Exactly--they tell no tales, because their place in this world is over. But your place is this world is VERY much still going on. There are people whose hearts would break if you were gone...

s.J. said...

i'm not opting for the whiney spoiled brat answer, but you have to break a few eggs to make the cake.



Anonymous said...

Please notice if you will; scraps' last post, last line..

thank you.

p.s. I started to sew it back up..should i continue..?

Anonymous said...

hurry, the sutures need to be tied off..

Rivky said...

and whats the cake in this case?

I'm gonna be really mad at you if you kill yourself btw.

s.J. said...

ok ok! all these voices... coming from the computer screen.... die another day... just wanted the manual...
bathroom material..

Scraps said...

Thanks for the backup, sis and trixie.

sj--hang in there. If I can, you can.

s.J. said...

o-ok... [fighting furiously with inner demons]

Rivky said...

I'm public again. its in my profile this time. the whole chevra is invited, and if I get enough feedback I'll keep it up.

Scraps said...

The demons can be terrible. I should know. But you gotta put up a good fight.

s.J. said...

make it stop!
it burns! it burns!

Scraps said...

Packs of frozen veggies help. The demons especially dislike broccoli, as I recall.

s.J. said...

[from the freezer]
are you sure this is supposed to work?
it's awfully cold in here.

Scraps said...

No, no. You take the frozen veggies out of the freezer...

s.J. said...

then what?

Anonymous said...


s.J. said...

mom? is that you?

Scraps said...

Nah, Mom spells better.

s.J. said...

but same posotive encouragement.

Anonymous said...

flush the manual sj.
now. or I come after you.

s.J. said...

stay out of my room!

(and when you drop the 'loser' from your nomenclature)

s.J. said...


Anonymous said...

you first

s.J. said...

ladies first

Anonymous said...

screw the ladies.
don't. but 'ladies'title sucks.
is the book off premises? look, if push comes to shove, you'll do it w/o the help of a flippin manual

jest saying.

s.J. said...


not if i want to go out with a bang.

Anonymous said...


(you do that one more time..)

s.J. said...

and then...???

smb said...

Just keep saying to the voices, STOP! Then breath and try to meditate for a few minutes.

s.J. said...

can't. breath. through. the. madness.
save. our. sanity.

;iulu said...

why save it sj?
wallow in it a bit.

and speaking of presents coming to need one with a nice sharp blade, good handle, and over $25 (being nice and sharing it with scared white girls as they walk through no-mans-land is nice too..)

s.J. said...

i think i've just the thing for you.

;iulu said...


;iulu said...

mom really doesn't say that to you s.j., right?



s.J. said...

say what?

garble in caps lock?

not usually.

Scraps said...

Dunno about s.j.'s mom, but Moms have been known to say such things and worse to their precious offspring.


;iulu said...

not usually. hmmm..

so how often does she call you LOS'R? (so doesnt seem her type. but really.)

s.J. said...

nevr with the apostraphy

;iulu said...

(just replicating the 29th post down..)


Scraps said...

Yes, s.j., please answer the question. Has the book met the toilet yet?

;iulu said...

no, that's the dime bags.

wait, i thought you burned it. hmph..
now you have two girls on your case..

s.J. said...

lordy lou.

i'm in deep sheep dip now...

Scraps said...

Lordy-lou indeed. You been reading Abarat again?

s.J. said...

my god!
my favorite book.

Scraps said...

Hehe. How'd I guess?

s.J. said...


Scraps said...

(I think we discussed it once before ;-) )

Rivky said...

least it keeps the language clean.

s.J. said...

: P