Thursday, March 16, 2006

the miracle food plan

this just came in.
nutritionists have finally
developed the mother of all diets.
it allows you to eat whatever you want,
without changing your schedule in any way
and you still burn off all that unhealthy fat.
i believe it's called the 'get-off-your-fat-ass,-you-lazy-shmuck,-and-take-control-of-your-shitty-life' diet.
-or something like that.


;iulu said...

thank you, i think I will.

s.J. said...

no prob.
(did i mention you crack me up?)

;iulu said...

no, but that's my line to a certain one you know of course.

so what is it? my innocentness? curly-straight hair?? which is funniest?

s.J. said...

the socks.