Sunday, March 19, 2006

s.j.- marriage counselor

i don't know what it is about waking up in the middle of the night.
perhaps it has something to do with the mind 'recharging'.
or with the intergration between the chaotic world of dreams and the blurry realm of reality at three in the morning.
whatever it may be, it certainly brews strange ideas inside the head.

take last night (or was it this morning?) for instance:
wake up due to stomach cramps and gasp in shock as my brain spits out another late night special. (here we go)

one of the most fundamental laws in a marriage should always be tit-for-tat.
if a party is going into a marital relationship with an equal (one can only suppose), it must be known that newton's law of relativity is integral in maintaining a stable equalibrium.

that every action, has an equal reaction.

for example:

-if you leave your shaver clippings in the sink, be prepared to find hair globuals clogging the shower drain.

-if you take your beloved shopping on saturday, do not expect him to acknowlege your existance during the sports game on sunday.

-if you're going to make a wisecrack about the opposite gender, brace yourself for the vicious boomerang effect.

the list goes on and on, but i'm sure you get the jist of it.
if you can't take it, don't dish it.
look for the manual. coming soon to bookstores near you. :P


Anonymous said...

Ooh... You are not ready to get married. But I guess you knew that already.

s.J. said...

blame it on the midnight snack.

;iulu said...

mmhmm..midnight snack of ________? Are you done experimenting with your duodenum yet? at least friggin EAT something (or drink milk- yummy) before you take them!

and he's ready to marry as soon as he pleases. He knows a heck of a LOT more than most young couples (read: babies) do. carry on.

s.J. said...

hey! i can hold my own!
but thanks anways. :)

Anonymous said...

I have a couple of really good prospects for you. If you want I'll even sing by your wedding.

;iulu said...

(sorry, you know my role just gets in the way sometimes..tho why can't I watch yer back? dang sisterly love..)

carry on.

s.J. said...


;iulu said...

(i checked barnes & noble..they seem to be outta your manual..have 'em restock please?)