i don't ever blatently bring my personal life into my blog, but i need help and this is the most capable place to state one's problems while still being anonymous enough not to feel crazy.
there's someone/thing living in my bathroom mirror.
i've never actually seen it. but with every flush, i can hear a harsh snickering in the backround of rushing water.
once i looked up just in time to see a blur disappear off the face into the shadows of the wooden frame.
and there was nothing that might have been reflected on my side of the glass.
and if that wasn't bad enough, i'm the only one that realizes the entity's existance.
the rest of my family is blind and deaf to the fiend.
i've tried to get rid of the demon.
i've smashed the glass.
i've pried the mirror off the wall.
but with every repair that is made, the creature returns.
i avoid the bathroom like the plague when i can.
and when i have no choice, i ALWAYS leave the door open.
after draping towels over the mirror.
and playing loud music in hope of drowning the freak out.
but my parents are getting fed up.
they say that the bathroom has a door for a reason.
and that not everyone in the house wants to listen to heavy metal at 4 in the morning.
why can't they see?
why can't they hear?
the shadows, the muttering
it gets louder with every passing day.
how do i convince them?
how do i show them of the eminent menace?
even if you don't say hello?
i mean, i kinda felt stooooopid not really knowing anyone.
like sign language? ;P
best way to do it is crush the glass with mortar and pestle. Mix with two toad legs, eye of newt and hickory-root powder. Pour mixture into boiling water, let steep five hours. Cool, eat. oh and a carrot swallowed WHOLE!
so soap, all of a suddun I'm chop meat, eh??
Get your own apartment. Hopefully the demon won't follow you there, and if he does, no one will care if you play loud music at all hours.
flör- god knows i've tried. nothing. nothing! NOTHING helps!
scraps- but my poor family.....
they will SO fall apart if you leave.
just so you know.
and it frightens me.
That is bad.
i know. what do i do?
truthfully, im kinda fascinated/weirded out/in love/confused about this piece.
what exactly is goin on here?
another day in the life of s.J..
What to do, what to do...good question. Perhaps do some research on exorcism at the public library?
today i go. in trepidation.
wish me luck, friends.
noooo sj..you can't leave me alone with them..p-p-please..tak eme with you. the voices and fingers reaching out from the depths won't stop..
thought of my lil bro when I saw this:
"Don't give up listening to the voices in your head, they may stop talking"
Florrie, I want the byline for that quote, it's going into my book.
so help me big sis!
i can't stop the menace alone!
Good luck and Godspeed, my friend. May you return safely from your quest.
from your mouth to god's ears to the devil's backside.
I don't believe this was supposed to be funny, flor dear.
Not the original blog-post.
His comments here ('specially the one above the one I commented on..)
and he says the funniest things just when you need them! :D
[rolls eyes]
and that cleft..
merde! i'm doing it again.
ignore me
what are you blabbling about???
they doped my drink i think..
ahhh. but of course.
or they switched my vitamins..or maybe I need meds. what you think?
med.s as a last course of action.
taste like...
mm..hmm..taste like..?
what again? ;)
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